If you travel frequently and your home is often left empty, you need to start thinking about security. You don’t want your trips to be ruined because you are constantly worried about somebody breaking into your home, but if you take a few simple steps to protect your home, you can forget about it and focus on experiencing new countries. Burglars will seek out houses that are empty and they know how to spot the signs, so you need to be careful.
If you are worried, learn best and easiest ways to keep your home safe when you travel.
1) Get An Alarm System
The easiest way to protect your home from burglars is to fit an alarm system if you don’t already have one. It acts as a great deterrent to burglars, and if somebody does break into your house, it will alert your neighbors and the police so the burglars will be scared off before they have time to do too much damage.
2) Sort Out Your Mail
When burglars are looking for potential targets, they will always look for houses that have a lot of mail piled up by the door because this is an obvious sign that nobody has been in the house for a while. You may want to consider getting somebody to pop round every now and again and pick up all of the mail, but you could also use an address service.
There are some great physical address services that allow you to get your mail sent to a different address. They will then scan it in and email it to you, so you can still get any important mail while you travel, and it won’t be obvious to burglars that you are away.
3) Consider Hiring Some Staff
If you are going to be away for a long time, you should consider hiring some staff for your home. Having a cleaner come in from time to time will help to make sure that your home is in good condition when you return and if burglars notice that somebody is regularly visiting the house, they will think twice about trying to break in.
Just make sure that you use a reliable and certified cleaning service so you don’t have to worry about having strangers in your home.
4) Be Careful With Social Media
Social media is a great way to stay in touch with family and friends and share pictures of your trip, but you need to be very careful. A lot of people have been burgled while they are away because criminals will look through social media and if you post lots of details about your trip, they know that you are out of the house.
People often get caught out when they post pictures of their boarding pass on social media because the information on there can be used to find out where you live, even if you cover up your name and address etc.