Australia. That mysterious land of marsupials and red deserts has had Americans entranced for many years. If you’ve decided its time to finally visit the Land Down Under, making the most of that long plane ride is a must. And with all the exciting things Australia has to offer, it’s a simple task of figuring out which items you can’t miss. We have pulled together a list of some of the best ways to experience Australia that’ll ensure you have a vacation you’ll always remember.

Cruise Ship
Most people don’t consider Australia when they think of cruises due to its isolation from most other land masses. However, this outsized island country is the perfect cruise destination due to the thousands of miles of varied and unique coastline. Take in the magical natural beauty of the Great Barrier reef, or sail into Sydney Harbor to see the iconic vista of the Sydney Harbor Bridge and Sydney Opera House. There is so much available by water that you’ll want to return again and again to see it all.
Scuba Diving
Speaking of seeing Australia by water, there’s no better way to experience the wealth of underwater wildlife and beauty than scuba diving. The famous Great Barrier Reef isn’t all Australia offers keen divers, with Ningaloo Reef off the West Coast, remote island locations, and everything in between. Abyss Scuba Diving is the go-to dive school and shop for those interested in diving around Sydney. Take lessons, hire equipment, and create memories of Australia you never imagined.
Camel Trek
Australia is famous for its native wildlife, but many don’t realize that it’s also home to thousands of feral dromedary camels. Camels were introduced in the 19th century for long-range transport; many were set free as automobiles and steam trains took over. The resulting abundance of camels in the outback allows visitors a novel way to see the outback – camel treks. Koalas are cute and cuddly looking, but seeing the outback by camel is unforgettable.
Drive Great Ocean Road
Heading west out of Melbourne along the coast, the Great Ocean Road passes through the Great Otway Nation Park and on to near Warrnambool. The main feature of the drive is the immense limestone cliffs that plunge into the ocean below. Some of these cliffs have eroded to produce the 12 apostles – 7 limestone stacks jutting majestically from the waves. There’s plenty more to see and do, though, with rainforest walks, sandy beaches, and ice cream shops to visit. The Great Ocean Road is perfect for day trips, overnight stays, or the first leg of a five-day drive from Melbourne to Adelaide.

No matter where you are in Australia, there’s always some form of wildlife to see. The most thrilling is likely to happen in rural and green spaces, but city visitors can see flying foxes at dusk and possums and Kookaburras in parks.
Australia is rich with possibilities, meaning no matter your interest, something is thrilling for everyone. So drive the coast, dive coral reefs, or try something unexpected and have a fantastic Aussie vacation.Â