Getting out into the garden can be tremendously beneficial for a number of reasons. But to get the maximum benefit from your outdoor space, it will need to be in good condition. Since a garden often includes a lot of living, organic elements, keeping it in good condition might be an ongoing struggle.
For this reason, many homeowners have sought to create a garden that’s designed to be easy to maintain. Let’s take a look at exactly how this might be done.
Plant Selection
Creating a low-maintenance garden needn’t mean dispensing with plants altogether. Some plants are easier to keep in good condition than others. Make sure that you look for hardy varieties that are suited to the climate in Britain (or, whatever country you’re gardening in).
Some plants tend to thrive in dry conditions, like succulents and cacti. These are perfect for gardeners who’d prefer not to do much watering. Certain perennials will require minimal pruning and deadheading, and so these tend to be preferable, too.
If you’d like to minimise water loss, and weed growth, then you might look into covering the soil with a layer or mulch, or with a suitable membrane. This will lower the amount of weeding and watering you need to do.
In a low-maintenance garden, hard, non-organic elements, like paving stones and gravel, can help you to visually shape the space, while providing a practical means of traversing it. When there’s a path available, the grass will suffer less wear and tear. Porcelain paving tends to be an excellent option for those who’d like beautiful, low-maintenance garden paths.
You might also consider using raised beds to bring your flowers and other small plants to waist height. This will simplify drainage, since it will allow you to pack a layer of coarse gravel into the bottom of the bed. It will also make plants easier to care for, since you’ll spend less time on your knees.
Finally, the addition of a few simple ponds and bird baths can make a big difference to the aesthetics of your space. It might even help to attract local wildlife, which can help with pest control.
Maintenance Tips
We’ve already mentioned the benefits of mulching. This is inexpensive, and vital if you want the best possible quality of soil. You might also think about how often you’re watering. The ideal technique will depend on the kinds of plants you’re tending to. Deep, infrequent watering can benefit larger plants with the ability to handle the load. This tends to simulate real rainfall, which is what plants have actually evolved to handle.
Knowing how to prune shrubs and trees can be a great way to keep them healthy, and growing in the desired direction. You’ll also want to nourish the roots with the help of the right fertiliser. Composting at home is a great, easy way to obtain a great blend of vitamins and minerals.
Gardens don’t have to demand a lot of work. By being selective about the living things you do include, and breaking up the space with the right hardscaping techniques, you can enjoy an outdoor space that’s beautiful, practical, and low-maintenance.