How To Better Your Mental Health: Ten Strategies You Can Rely On

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Whether you are dealing with stress and anxiety or just haven’t been feeling quite like yourself lately, it is important to remember these feelings last forever, though they can often feel inescapable. 

In fact, there are plenty of practical steps that you can take to better your mental health, regardless of the challenges you are facing. With that in mind, here are some simple strategies that you can rely on whenever you are struggling. 

Seek out treatment when necessary

If you were to fall down and break your leg, you would not attempt to walk around as normal the next day. Nor would you try to handle it yourself instead of asking a doctor for help and advice. The same logic should apply to mental health struggles. After all, speaking out about how you are feeling means that you can then access mental health treatment sooner rather than later. This, in turn, can put you back on the path to good mental health. 

Priortize your sleep

When we aren’t quite at our best, the amount of sleep we’re able to get each night drops dramatically. However, sleep deprivation can also take its toll on your well-being, meaning that you can quickly get caught in a vicious cycle that is difficult to break free from. As such, now is the perfect time to take action and focus on developing healthier sleeping habits

While different solutions will work for different people, one of the best solutions is to actively start prioritizing sleep. This could mean going to bed a little earlier, even if you’d rather watch TV or read another chapter of your book. Ideally, you should go to sleep at the same time each night as this means that “your body naturally adjusts and begins to feel tired at just the right time each day.

Identify the root of the issue

While we may feel as though we are stressed or anxious for no reason at all, there is nearly always an underlying reason. Getting to the root of your feelings is, therefore, crucial to moving forward. After all, it means that you can take active steps to avoid these triggers moving forward. For example, you may find that your anxiety is generally heightened after you’ve drank coffee, meaning you should work to cut down on your caffeine intake. 

Build up a sweat

When you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed, it’s easy to fall into inactivity. After all, during these times, something there’s nothing more appealing than staying in bed all day and binge-watching Netflix. However, while rest can be beneficial, this should not become your go-to coping strategy. Exercising, however, is a great way to proactively improve your mood. After all, not only does it enhance your strength and resilience, but it also increases your body’s production of endorphins, which are the hormones that make you feel good. As such, you should try to fit as much exercise into your routine as possible, whether you’re going for a daily walk or visiting the gym. 

Turn to your support network

According to a recent report, 60% of those dealing with mental health struggles do not seek out help and support. There are many potential reasons for this, from fear of the stigma surrounding mental illness to not wanting to worry those around them. However, there’s never a good reason to stay silent when you are struggling. After all, if one of your friends or loved ones were feeling the same way, you’d want them to open up to you. While talking about how you are feeling can be difficult, you’ll feel better the moment you start speaking. This is because you’ll realize right away that you are not alone, no matter how isolated you may feel currently. They will also be able to provide you with practical tips and advice that you can use to get on the path to good health again. 

Reach out to a therapist

While your support network will always be there to offer you support, sometimes the level of care you need during this time exceeds their capabilities. As such, you may also want to reach out to a therapist. Here, you will be able to talk openly, honestly and without fear of judgement to a qualified individual who has years of experience supporting people in a similar position to your own. Not only will this go a long way to getting everything off your chest, but your therapist will also be able to provide you with deeper insight into your thoughts and feelings. Following this, you can work together to develop coping mechanisms and strategies that help you to better handle your feelings moving forward. 

Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is a form of meditation that encourages you to ground yourself in the present moment, providing you with a respite from stress, anxiety and other negative emotions. This practice is also said to help you change your perspective on the world around you, which means that you’re better prepared to face any challenges that come your way. If you have never meditated before, this may take a little getting used to, but it’s something that is worth your time and energy. Try practising mindfulness for five minutes each morning, and you’ll soon notice that you wake up with a pep in your step! 

Take a break

Many of those who are dealing with mental health issues will try to continue “as normal” in the hope that their feelings will go away over time. However, doing so likely means that you are not putting sufficient time and energy into getting better, which will only allow your issues to worsen. As such, you should know exactly when it’s time to take a break, both personally and professionally. For example, while you should not isolate yourself, it’s okay to turn down plans from time to time. In terms of work, you wouldn’t continue to log in if you were dealing with a physical illness, so why are you putting yourself through this now? A good employer will understand if you need to take a short break in order to get yourself back on track. 

Spend more time outdoors

Spending more time outdoors is another great way to better your mental health. In fact, according to the National Mental Health Foundation, “nature connectedness is associated with lower levels of poor mental health, particularly lower depression and anxiety.” There are many different ways in which you can start spending more time outdoors. For example, you could take a short walk just before starting work or during your lunch break, which means that you no longer have the excuse of it being too late or dark to get outside when you return home. Alternatively, you could take up gardening and other hobbies that encourage you to spend more time outdoors! 

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Declutter your home

Believe it or not, decluttering your home is also an excellent way to better your mental health. For example, studies have found that the presence of clutter can lower your mood, increase your stress levels and leave you feeling as though you are not in control of your surroundings. Conversely, a clean home is a clean slate, and you’re able to turn your attention to other things as opposed to the mess around you. 

Final Thoughts

While it may seem that way, nobody is happy 100% of the time. We all face challenges, and we’ll all encounter times when our mental health is not at its best. However, the advice above can help you to feel more like yourself again, putting you on the path toward wellness. 

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