Finding yourself with a free day with no plans isn’t something that happens to you very often. You’re not one to waste away an entire day doing something frivolous, so it seems like the ideal opportunity to do something productive and high end to pass the time. Busting your boredom can be done using all sorts of different activities, pastimes and odd jobs around the home. Whether you’re completely revamping your living space, or you’re dabbling with a new game you’ve never played before, there are so many wonderful ways to fill those precious hours in your day. If you’re looking for some inspiration here are seven high end options to help you cure your boredom, should you ever need to fill a rogue day in your diary!
Get Lost in a Book
If you want to keep your mind sharp and your creativity flowing, why not get lost in a book and wave goodbye to boredom for good? Delving deep into an enjoyable novel should never be underestimated, especially if it’s one you’ve been looking forward to reading for a while!
A Game of Chess
One of the most high-end games you can choose to spend your time playing has to be chess, whether it’s chess or an in-person match. Join forces with a friend and test your tactics and skills in a fast-paced game that is most certainly bound to reduce your boredom and bring a touch of excitement to your day!
Repaint Your Home
If there are certain rooms in your home that require a little extra tender loving care, now is your chance to get them sorted out. You don’t have to repaint your entire home in order to make a difference, simply take it one step at a time. A touch of paint ni your bedroom or a splash of color in your living space can completely transform your home and give you something to do on your day off!
Replenish Old Furniture
If you’re feeling particularly creative, now is the time to replenish any old and unwanted furniture and give it a new lease of life. You can do so much with an old and dusty coffee table that has simply been sitting in the corner for the past few months. Dig out your paint brushes and add a pop of color to your aging furniture. This type of upcycling is something that you can do whenever you get a spare moment and it’s extremely enjoyable too!
Declutter Your Kitchen Cupboards
Your kitchen is the one and only place in your home that often gets overlooked, simply because it is so hard to stay on top of. Decluttering your kitchen cupboards will not only provide you with a huge sense of satisfaction, but it will also help to make your day to day life a little easier too. Getting rid of any expired jars, unwanted products and empty packets will create more space and give you a better chance of enjoying your kitchen in the way it was meant to be!
Indulge in Online Shopping
If you’re in need of a little dopamine hit, then online shopping is the thing to do when you have no alternative plans. Shopping for home decor inspiration or sprucing up your personal style with some new clothing items is one of the greatest feelings. As soon as your new package is delivered you will enjoy a great sense of delight as you open up the box and unpack your new items!

Learn an Instrument
Playing an instrument and improving your skills is a sophisticated and productive way to spend an afternoon when you have no social activities in your diary. Learning an instrument can take some time to master, so make sure you carve out a little time in the future to keep honing in on your skills, whether it’s clarinet, piano or the drums!
As you can see, there are a whole host of different options for you to choose from, whether you’re a creative soul or a secret shopper at heart. Finding ways to fill your time that feels enjoyable, productive and sophisticated is easy as long as you have some inspiration at your fingertips. Remember, you don’t have to do these activities alone if you don’t want to; get a friend or loved one round to your house and enjoy getting stuck into something new together. Not only will you make some memories, but you’ll share a smile and enjoy spending quality time together doing something new, enjoyable and exciting!