Unlocking Wellness: A Deep Dive into Cleansing Concepts’ Detox and Healing Therapies

Cleansing concepts

With locations in New York City, Garden City, Smithtown, and Red Bank, NJ, Cleansing Concepts offers a tranquil and personalized approach to health.

Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a returning client, their warm and welcoming team is dedicated to guiding you through treatments like colon hydrotherapy, infrared sauna, and lymphatic drainage. In this interview, we sit down with the owner of Cleansing Concepts, holistic Detoxification Specialist Vanessa Drew, to explore the benefits of these therapies, how to prepare for your detox journey, and the best treatment combinations to help you achieve optimal results.

Discover how Cleansing Concepts can help restore balance and vitality to your life.

Take us inside Cleansing Concepts! What could first-time clients and visitors expect?

Cleansing Concepts NYC

At Cleansing Concepts, we provide a tranquil and holistic environment designed to promote detoxification, relaxation and wellness from the moment you step in. Our first-time clients are greeted by our experienced team, who guide them through every step of their detox journey. We offer a welcoming, clean, and comfortable atmosphere, ensuring that each service is tailored to your needs. Whether it’s your first time or you’re a regular, we focus on making your experience as personalized and restorative as possible.

Tell us about some of the treatments you offer. Are there certain treatments you recommend people begin with first?

We specialize in a variety of detox treatments, including colon hydrotherapy, lymphatic drainage, infrared sauna, and foot detox. For those new to detox, we often recommend starting with colon hydrotherapy, as it provides a deep internal cleanse and is great for resetting the body.  Pairing this with our detox clay drink is a powerful combination that enhances the body’s natural detox process. Alternatively, the infrared sauna is another great introduction, with the bentonite clay drink acting as a supportive detoxifier throughout the process.

Do you recommend certain treatment combinations? Could you provide some examples?

Foot Bath cleansing concepts

Yes, combining treatments can enhance the detox process and lead to more effective results. A popular combination we recommend is starting with the lymphatic drainage to stimulate the body’s natural detox pathways, followed by an infrared sauna session to further release toxins through sweat. Another great combo is colon hydrotherapy paired with a foot detox, which provides both an internal and external cleanse.

How can clients best prepare for their treatments and maintain post-treatment?

We recommend clients hydrate well before any detox service, especially for treatments like infrared sauna and colon hydrotherapy. Eating light meals the day of your treatment and avoiding caffeine, alcohol, or heavy foods will also optimize your results. Post-treatment, it’s essential to continue drinking water to flush out toxins and consider light, nutrient-rich meals to support the body’s recovery. Consistency with treatments and a healthy lifestyle helps maintain long-term benefits.

How often could clients come in for a treatment? Could you provide some examples?

Treatment frequency depends on individual goals and needs. For colon hydrotherapy, we often suggest starting with 3-5 sessions spaced out over several weeks for a complete cleanse. Infrared sauna sessions can be done 1-2 times per week for ongoing detoxification, while lymphatic drainage and foot detox can be scheduled as often as weekly to support the body’s natural detox processes.

In particular, please share how the infrared sauna is different compared to other sauna experiences. How can this treatment be customized?

Cleansing concepts colonic cleanse

Our infrared sauna is a unique experience because it uses infrared light to penetrate deep into the tissues, promoting detoxification at the cellular level, unlike traditional saunas that heat only the surrounding air. This gentle heat makes the treatment more comfortable and effective, especially for those who may find regular saunas too intense. Our sauna has additional features such as music vibration therapy and color therapy. The session can be customized based on your preferences—whether you prefer a higher or lower temperature, longer or shorter duration, or even specific goals like weight loss or muscle recovery.

Which treatments are best to do in certain seasons (summer vs. winter)?

In the summer, infrared sauna sessions and foot detoxes at Cleansing Concepts are great for sweating out toxins and keeping your body balanced despite the heat.

Winter is the perfect time for lymphatic drainage massages, which can help support immune function during cold months, and colon hydrotherapy, to give the body a fresh start when we tend to feel more sluggish.

Do you have any new treatments that you will be offering soon?

detox treatment powder Long Island
Images courtesy of Cleansing Concepts

We’re always exploring new ways to enhance our detox offerings! Currently, we’re excited about introducing advanced detox services such as Ozone Steam Saun Therapy, Thermography scanning, and personalized path to wellness programs tailored to your needs.

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Vanessa Gordon
Vanessa Gordon is the Owner and Publisher of East End Taste Magazine. Vanessa is regularly called on as a family travel, personal finance, and Hamptons lifestyle expert. She has been featured in Reader's Digest, Condé Nast Traveler, The New York Times, New York Post, The Daily Beast, The Daily News, and many other publications. Vanessa is also the Founder of the annual Hamptons summer event, the Hamptons Interactive Brunch.