If you need to pass the time when on a long journey, whether it is on a plane, train or even a road trip then you have come to the right place. This guide will show you what steps you can take to try and pass the time so you can make the most out of your journey.
Tablets and Movies
Even though you may want to limit your kid’s screen time, you need to let them loose when it comes to road trips. A tablet or a screen is your best friend when it comes to your road-tripping adventure. Let your kids play on some educational apps if you want, and give them a set amount of time to do the things that they love. If you can do this then it will give you the chance to chip away at the miles in peace.
If you are going to a specific location then one thing you can do is try and encourage them to watch movies based on that location. It doesn’t even have to be educational either, as most of the time you can spark their interest by simply showing them all of the things that they will see when they get to the destination.
License Plate Game
Drivers from all over the country often share the road with you so why not give everyone a blank map of the USA and then get them to tick off the license plates that they can see? If you do this then you will give them a reason to be interested as they make their way through different towns and cities. On top of this, you may also be able to give people who spot the most signs a prize. They can choose where you stop for lunch or even dinner, for example as this is a great way for you to get them interested and motivated.
Let your kids use their cell phones if you want. If you have an old cell phone then charging this up could be a good idea. You can then give each of your kids one as a way to keep them interested. They can take photos of anything they want, but they have to be on the road trip. This is a great way for you to see what your kids find funny or even interesting. Funny faces and pictures of blurry mountains can all be used to look back as you try and create new memories. If you are on a plane then you can easily ask your kids to see if they can take some interesting pictures of clouds or even all of the signs that they can see. If you do this then you will soon find that you can keep them engaged for way longer.
Video Games
Let your children play games on cell phones or tablets too. If you have a son who is obsessed with a particular game then one thing you can do is see if they can beat their own high score on something. They might not even realize that an hour has passed them by. Just make sure that you are careful with this one as lots of video games can cause excess stimulation so you need to make sure that your kids don’t end up with a hard time focusing on other things because they are too interested in the games that they want to play. If you want to teach your kids some skills then you can give them the chance to play solitaire.
Official Map
Another thing you can do is show your kids an official map. Print out your trip and give your kids a copy. When they ask the question of when they are going to get there, simply be ready for it. Ask them to find out where you are right now on the map and then tell them the first person to figure out how many miles there are to go, ends up with a prize. If you can do this then you will soon find that you can give your kids the encouragement they need to get involved and you may even find that you are able to help them to gain a few new skills too.
Scavenger Hunt
Of course, there are also things you can do to try and help your kids stay entertained. Having a scavenger hunt is a great thing to do, and you can ask them to point out gigantic plastic dinosaurs, wildlife and even historical landmarks. Pick out a list of items that you know that you are likely to see on the trip and make sure that you ask someone to check them off as you go. Be sure to include some difficult ones so your kids get a bit of a buzz when they are able to spot it. If you can do this then you will soon find that your kids can get the result they need out of the whole experience. You can even break down the things your kids might see into different categories as well, so you can make it more exciting for your kids as they make their way through different areas.
Deep Discussions
If you have kids who are older then having deep discussions is great. Nothing passes the time more than a heated debate at the end of the day. If you can promote this then you will soon find that your child is able to learn a lot about how they think and feel. You can also get the kids talking with each other which gives you a bit of a break. If you want to help your kids then make sure that you encourage them to voice their opinions and take some discussions from the internet so you can give them a good starting point. This is a very good way for you to shed some light on the way that your kids think as well so make sure that you keep that in mind.
Quirky Stops
If you can break up the boredom by planning a couple fun stops along the way then this is great, to say the least. It is more than possible for you to find unique and even fun places to stop off so make sure that you keep that in mind. You can easily find interesting locations for you can even find buildings that are shaped after animals. If you can do this then you can break up the journey for your kids and this can work wonders for everyone involved. If you feel as though your kids are disengaged with the games that you are playing inside the car then giving them a chance to make stops like this will help to break up the monotony for them so make sure that you give this some thought if you can.Â
Car Picnic
Another thing you can do is have a car picnic. Some of your best moments will probably be shared over a plate of food, so try and keep that in mind. Keep in mind that when you are driving you are going to have a lot on your mind. With that being said, you need to make sure that you have enough breaks for food and drink. If you can plan to have some stops then this will benefit you. If you can take a picnic with you then this will give you a chance to unpack some great food so you don’t have to worry about anything there. At the end of the day, having a picnic is a fantastic way for you to bond as a family and discuss all of the things you would like to see.
If you can, you also need to pack a cooler. If you pack a cooler then this will help you to keep the kids cool when they are out on the go and you may even find that it gives them the chance to unwind a little. If you have a small budget when it comes to your trip then things like this will help to curb the effects of that as you can all eat as a family without having to worry about a thing, or even how much things are going to come.

At the end of the day, it is super easy for you to have the best time when you are out on a road trip and if you follow this guide then you will find that it is possible for you to have the best time without any stress. If you want to make your life easier then make sure that you take the time to plan out your trip in advance so you can make the most out of each and every stop. You can also come up with games that your kids can play too, so you can get them involved rather than trying to come up with things on the spot. This is a fantastic way for you to spice things up without having to worry about keeping everyone entertained for long periods of time.Â