Standing the Test of Time: Lab Grown Diamond Popularity vs. Natural Diamonds

diamond bracelet on eggshell blue box

Diamonds have long been a symbol of love, commitment and luxury. However, as we enter the 21st century, the jewelry market is experiencing a shift driven by a new generation of ethically responsible and budget-conscious consumers. 

Lab grown diamonds are a modern and cost-effective alternative to natural diamonds. Discover how lab grown diamonds are standing the test of time and gaining popularity among younger, ethically-minded consumers.

Lab Grown Diamond Popularity vs. Natural Diamonds: The Statistics

Lab grown diamonds have seen a remarkable increase in popularity, particularly among younger generations. Here are some key statistics highlighting this trend:

  • Global market growth. In 2022, the global market for lab grown diamonds was estimated at $24.0 billion and is expected to expand to $59.2 billion by 2032. This represents a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.6%.
  • Unit sales. Lab grown diamond unit sales have experienced a substantial rise. In January 2020, they held an 11.6% share of the market, which surged to an impressive 46.6% by February 2023​.
  • Engagement rings. The share of lab grown diamond engagement rings increased from 1.7% in early 2020 to 17.3% by February 2023. As of January 2023, sales were evenly split 50/50 between natural and lab grown diamonds in some markets​.
  • Consumer Preferences. A significant portion of younger consumers, particularly Gen Z, show a strong preference for products with positive social impacts. In a survey, 50% of Gen Z respondents stated they were more likely to buy diamonds, knowing the positive impact on the communities where they are mined​.

The same demographic places great importance on brand and ethical considerations, which influence their purchasing decisions towards lab grown diamonds due to their responsible production methods.

3 Reasons Why Lab Created Diamonds are Growing in Popularity

Lab created diamonds are becoming more popular because they offer ethical production and significant cost savings compared to natural diamonds. These benefits appeal to socially conscious consumers who value affordability and responsible sourcing.

Ethical Benefits

One of the most compelling reasons for the surge in popularity of lab grown diamonds is their ethical production. Traditional diamond mining has long been associated with numerous ethical issues, including human rights abuses, child labor and funding of armed conflicts. Lab diamonds eliminate these concerns, providing a guilt-free choice for consumers who prioritize ethical gem sourcing.

Budget-Friendly Luxury

Lab grown diamonds are not just ethically superior; they also offer excellent value for money. On average, lab created diamonds cost 84% less than natural diamonds of comparable size and quality. This price difference makes luxurious diamond jewelry accessible to a broader audience without compromising quality or beauty.

Young couples looking for engagement rings, for instance, can choose lab grown diamond engagement rings that offer the same brilliance and durability as natural diamonds but at a fraction of the cost. This financial advantage extends to other types of jewelry, such as lab grown diamond bracelets, lab grown diamond rings and lab grown diamond tennis bracelets.

Versatility in Jewelry

Another factor driving their popularity is the versatility of lab grown diamonds. These diamonds can create a wide range of stunning jewelry pieces for numerous aesthetics and styles. Whether you prefer the classic elegance of a lab grown diamond bracelet or the contemporary chic of lab grown diamond rings, there are endless options to suit every preference.

They can also be customized to meet specific design requirements, allowing consumers to create unique pieces that reflect their style. This level of customization is appealing to younger generations who value individuality and personal expression.

Debunking Myths

Despite their growing popularity, lab grown diamonds have faced their share of skepticism. Some critics argue that they lack the “romance” or “authenticity” of natural diamonds. However, lab grown diamonds are real diamonds. They possess the same physical, chemical and optical properties, including hardness, clarity and refractive index, as mined diamonds. The only difference lies in their origin.

In fact, many jewelers and gemologists now endorse lab grown diamonds for their ethical production and high quality. The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and other reputable organizations provide certification for lab grown diamonds, ensuring their authenticity and quality.

Welcome the Future of Luxury with Lab Grown Diamonds

Lab grown diamonds are redefining the jewelry industry, offering a perfect blend of beauty, ethics and affordability. For younger consumers, these diamonds represent a conscious choice that aligns with their values and lifestyle. 

Whether in the market for lab grown diamond engagement rings or lab grown diamond bracelets, you can enjoy the timeless allure of diamonds without compromising on ethics or budget. Embrace the future of luxury with lab grown diamonds—a choice that truly stands the test of time.

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