Global Wellness Day is Saturday, June 11th. This annual wellness day event is dedicated to answering the question: how can I live a healthier and better life? As we begin to emerge from our homes on a regular basis, we...
Many people know that if you want to tone your body or get fit, exercise is key. However, there are so many more health benefits of daily exercise that many people don’t pay attention to. Consider these benefits below...
Do you experience persistent muscle soreness, even after light workouts? You could be inclined to put up with the issue in the hopes that it would go away. But if left untreated, your muscle pain can quickly become a...
These days, it seems like everyone has an opinion on healthcare and medicine. There is an enormous amount of misinformation out there, which can be dangerous when it comes to health and well-being. This is why it’s always important...
You have always dreamt of being a fitness instructor and running your own classes, but it has always felt like a far reach away from reality. Before you start to experience self-doubt, you should know that there are so...
Because of its purported potential to relieve anxiety, sadness, stress, inflammation, and more, cannabidiol, or CBD, has changed the self-care game. Plausibly, some of Hollywood's greatest celebrities, such as Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Aniston, and Dakota Johnson, are strong supporters...
As far as bodily proteins are concerned, collagen is the most abundant. You can find collagen in your skin, muscles, bones, and tendons. It plays a very important role in the body because it holds the body’s cells together....
Mental illness isn’t something that only affects the lives of adults. Studies show that more young people are dealing with mental health issues than ever before in our nation’s history. During the COVID-19 pandemic and its ensuing lockdowns, research...
A tidy and organised life means better mental health, so it’s something that’s worth taking the time to do. We’re all busy and don’t get as much time as we’d like to clean and organise at times, but if...
Indoor air quality plays a pivotal role in managing and controlling asthma symptoms. With the average person spending a significant portion of their time indoors, the presence of pollutants like dust mites, pet dander, mold, and pollen can exacerbate...