The Best Foods for Electrolytes

beautiful bowl of oatmeal with fresh fruit berries

As you are searching for the best foods for electrolytes, we are assuming that you already know why electrolytes are important. It is necessary for a number of bodily processes. For muscles and nerve functions, hydration and blood pressure regulation are essential. 

Electrolytes are those substances which conduct electricity when they are dissolved in water. Electrolytes are present in the form of essential minerals in foods and drinks. Here are the names of the electrolytes that our body requires.

  • Sodium
  • Magnesium
  • Chloride
  • Sodium
  • Calcium
  • Phosphate
  • Bicarbonate

For your health, you must get the right amount of electrolytes. Here, in this article, we will talk about the foods and drinks that will offer you these electrolytes. Before that, let’s have a look at the number of electrolytes your body must-have. 

How Much Electrolytes Do You need? 

For general health, most people are required to get the below-mentioned amount of electrolytes every day from their diet. 


Male (Age In Years)

Female (Age In Years)


1,000 mg (19-50)


1,000 mg (51-70)

1,200 mg (71 and over)

1,200 mg (51 and over)


3,400 mg

2,600 mg


400 mg (19-30)

420 mg (31 and over)

310 mg (19-30)

320 mg (31 and over)


1,500 mg to 2,300 mg


700 mg (19 and over)


1,500 mg to 2,300 mg

Electrolytes In Food

Here are foods that contain  electrolytes.

Leafy Green Vegetables

Kale, spinach, and collard greens are  some good sources of magnesium and calcium. 

Beans And Lentils

Lentils, soybeans, and kidney beans contain potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium. In case the manufacturers use calcium sulfates as a coagulant, tofu also can be a source of calcium. 

Other Vegetables

Apart from the leafy green vegetables, there are a lot of vegetables that are great sources of electrolyte minerals as part of a plant based diet. Squash, sweet potato and avocado are rich in potassium. On the other hand, potatoes are an excellent source of magnesium and phosphorus. In case you are consuming with their skin on, they are also high in potassium. 

Nuts And Seeds 

Seeds, nuts, and seed or nut butters are some excellent sources of magnesium and some more electrolytes. Cashew also contains phosphorus in moderate amounts. 


Prunes, dried apricots, bananas, and other fruits are rich in potassium. 

homemade yogurt fruit granola on table pretty

Dairy Products 

Yogurt, cheese along with other dairy products are some good sources of calcium. Apart from calcium, they also contain sodium, magnesium, and phosphorus. 

Salty Foods And Table Salt 

Table salt contains around 60% of chloride and 40% of sodium. Some salty foods like pickles and olives are also a good source of electrolytes. 

Breakfast Cereals 

Some of the best cereals are fortified with calcium. At the same time, a number of oats and wheat-based cereals also contain magnesium. 

Electrolytes In Drinks

There are some particular drinks that are naturally rich in electrolytes. On the other hand, some have undergone some special formulation in order to provide electrolytes. Here are some drinks that naturally contain electrolytes. 

  • Orange juices contain potassium and, in some cases also, calcium. 
  • Milk contains potassium and calcium. 
  • Tomato juice that contains sodium. 
  • Soy milk has potassium and magnesium in it. 
  • Coconut water is rich in magnesium, calcium, sodium, and potassium. The best part is that naturally, it is low in sugar. 
  • Electrolyte powders

Several beverages marketed as recovery or sports drinks and specialist hydration powders usually contain an impressive amount of electrolytes. They might appeal to athletes as they are required to boost their electrolyte levels in the body before, during, and after workouts. 

Food Or Drink – Which Is Better?

Whether you are taking the electrolytes from drinks or foods, both will contribute to the overall electrolyte levels in your body. Most people get enough electrolytes from their regular diet. 

So, usually, they do not require any type of supplement with oral rehydration supplements or sports drinks supplements. Your own body regulates electrolytes efficiently. But there are some particular situations when you might be benefited from using electrolytes drinks or oral rehydration supplements. 

During those periods of diarrhea or vomiting, when dehydration and electrolyte losses take place, to avoid electrolyte imbalance, using supplements might be helpful. 

In case you sweat a lot while working out or engage in extreme workouts, you might also require rehydration to replace the lost electrolytes using a sports drink. It is always advised to consult with your physician before taking electrolyte imbalance. 

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