Here’s How to Lower Your Inflammation Levels

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We’ve all heard the buzz about inflammation—mostly bad, especially when it lingers long enough to throw your body’s harmony out of tune. But don’t worry because there are plenty of ways to show inflammation the door, so you can feel your best, and have fewer aches and pains along the way.

1. Say Hello to Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Your kitchen is your first line of defence against the inflammation onslaught. Stock up on foods that are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Fancy some berries? All yours. Nuts, seeds, and fatty fish like salmon? Go wild. And let’s not forget the superheroes of the spice world: turmeric and ginger. Make a curry out of it, why don’t you? It’s like throwing a peace party in your cells.

2. Cut Down on the Inflammatory Bad Guys

While you’re revamping your pantry, let’s talk about what to kick to the curb. Processed foods and sugar are the Bonnie and Clyde of inflammation, creating havoc wherever they roam. And if you’re often reaching for a tipple, maybe dial it back a tad. Alcohol can be a bit of a firestarter when it comes to inflammation. Think of it as unfollowing the troublemakers on your body’s social media.

3. Get Moving, But Gently

Exercise is a fantastic de-flamer. It’s like your body’s own personal firefighting service. But here’s the kicker—it has to be the right kind of exercise. Gentle, low-impact activities can help reduce inflammation without overtaxing your system. Yoga, swimming, and even a brisk walk can keep the fires at bay. So, lace up your trainers and get moving, but maybe leave the marathon training for another day, yeah?

4. Embrace the Chill Factor

Stress is like petrol on inflammation’s fire. Managing stress isn’t just good for your mental health; it’s a boon for your physical health too. Meditation, mindfulness, reading a book, or perhaps some gardening? Whatever chills you out, make time for it. Consider it an essential part of your anti-inflammatory routine, like a spa day for your insides.

5. Sleep: Don’t Skimp on the Zzz’s

Never underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. Sleep is your body’s chance to repair and recover. Skimping on sleep can stir up more than just under-eye circles; it can kick-start inflammatory responses, too. So, invest in your rest. Make your bedroom a sanctuary from the world’s chaos. Cool, dark, and quiet—create a cave worthy of your prehistoric ancestors.

6. Consider Supplements Wisely

Sometimes, even the best diet might need a bit of a boost. That’s where supplements can play a supportive role. Omega-3 capsules, turmeric with bioperine for better absorption, and vitamin D during those darker months can all be allies in your quest to quell the flames. And then there’s the trendy newcomer: CBD drops. CBD has been making waves for its potential to reduce inflammation and promote relaxation. A few drops under the tongue could be a simple way to help keep inflammation in check.

7. Hydration is Key

Water might just be the most underrated anti-inflammatory. Staying hydrated helps flush toxins from your body and keeps your cells operating at their peak. Think of it as an internal fire hose, dampening down inflammatory responses. So, keep that water bottle handy and sip your way to tranquillity.

8. Explore Herbal Remedies

Herbs are nature’s medicine, and many possess potent anti-inflammatory properties. Herbs like boswellia, willow bark, and even green tea can reduce inflammation throughout the body. Try incorporating these into your daily routine as teas, supplements, or even in cooking. They can add a flavorful twist to your meals while working their magic to soothe your inflamed tissues. Remember, though, while herbs are natural, they’re also powerful, so check with a healthcare provider to ensure they don’t clash with any medications you’re taking.

9. Practice Good Gut Health

Your gut is closely linked to inflammation. A happy gut can mean a less inflamed body, so focus on foods that boost gut health. Probiotics (found in yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut) and prebiotics (found in foods like onions, garlic, and bananas) nourish your gut flora, which in turn can help manage the body’s inflammatory response. Consider incorporating a range of fermented foods into your diet to diversify and strengthen your gut microbiome.

Young woman eating vegetable salad at table in kitchen
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10. Limit Exposure to Environmental Toxins

Everyday toxins in your environment can be silent contributors to chronic inflammation. Things like pollution, secondhand smoke, and even household chemicals can exacerbate inflammation. Try to minimize your exposure by opting for natural cleaning products, ensuring good ventilation in your home, and using air purifiers to clean the air inside your home. Additionally, investing in indoor plants can not only beautify your space but also help purify the air.

11. Adopt Anti-Inflammatory Cooking Methods

The way you cook can also impact your inflammation levels. High-heat cooking methods like frying can create advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which may promote inflammation. Instead, opt for cooking methods that retain the integrity of food and keep temperatures lower, such as steaming, poaching, or using a slow cooker. Not only do these methods help in reducing inflammatory agents, but they also often result in tastier food, as they allow the true flavors to shine through.

12. Regular Detox Practices

Incorporating regular detox practices can help eliminate toxins from your body and reduce inflammation. Simple practices like dry brushing, which stimulates the lymphatic system, can help remove toxins from the body. Engaging in regular sweat-inducing activities like sauna sessions or vigorous exercise can also help flush out toxins through your skin. However, always ensure these practices are done in moderation and with proper hydration to keep your body balanced.

13. Engage in Mindful Eating

Mindful eating is about being present and aware during meals. It helps you enjoy your food more and might aid in reducing overeating, which can contribute to inflammation. Pay attention to the taste, texture, and aroma of your food, and listen to your body’s hunger and fullness cues. This practice not only enhances your dining experience but can also help in maintaining a healthy weight, further reducing stress on your body’s inflammatory processes.

14. Get Personalised Advice

Finally, remember that everyone’s body is a bit different. What works for one person might not work for another. If you’re serious about tackling inflammation, consider getting some personalised advice. A chat with a nutritionist or a healthcare provider can set you on the right path, tailored just for you.

Lowering inflammation is totally possible, wherever you are starting from, and with these tips, you can easily keep your inflammation levels in check and boost your health significantly in the process. So, what’s stopping you?

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