Planning The Perfect Housewarming Party: 10 Tips To Get Started

people standing chatting outside home party

There’s no doubt that buying your first home is a significant milestone – one that is certainly worthy of a celebration! Hosting a housewarming party is the perfect way to share such an important moment in your life with friends and family. 

But planning the event can seem daunting – especially if you’ve just faced a house move and significant lifestyle changes! Fortunately, there’s a lot that you can do to ensure that the party at your new home is a memorable one – and, without much stress. 

Decide on a Date and Time

The first thing you’ll need to do is choose the right date and time for your housewarming party. Of course, you’ll need to consider the needs of your friends and family members. For example, weekends generally work best since most people are free. However, if your friends have children and may struggle to find a babysitter or work in industries with erratic shifts (like hospitality) this may not be the best option.

Additionally, you’ll need to consider any major events (e.g.: weddings, school holidays etc.) happening around the chosen date to avoid scheduling conflicts. Let your friends know you are throwing a party to gauge their availability!

Curate Your Guest List

Your guest list sets the tone for the party! Of course, you’ll start by inviting close friends and family. Next, consider your new neighbors to foster longer-term relationships, especially if you’ve just moved in the area. 

Nonetheless, balance is essential when planning a party: Too many guests can make the space crowded, while too few can make it feel empty. Additionally, mixing different social groups can make the event lively but you’ll need to be more mindful of potential awkwardness. Just make sure you have planned activities that will bring everyone together!

Design Your Invitations 

Invitations set the first impression of your party. So, make sure they are informative and visually appealing, and, of course, customized to your event. You can use free tools like Canva to create a draft of your invitations, which can then be sent digitally or delivered in person. 

Some key information your invites should contain according to modern invitation etiquette include:

  • Date and time
  • Address
  • Information on parking
  • Accessibility details
  • Contact information
  • Theme or dress code 

You may also choose to add RSVP information to make sure to plan ahead for the number of guests who will be present at the event. 

Plan a Thoughtful Menu

Nothing will impact the success of your event like the menu you’ve planned! And, the options are truly endless. For example, you opt for a dinner party for a more formal experience or stick to finger foods for a more casual atmosphere. 

Plus, you’ll need to consider the dietary requirements of your guests, and offer vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options. If you are planning on playing games, showing off your home, or encouraging conversation among different groups, small plates and food that can be eaten while standing around chatting allow guests to move around without much hassle. 

Plan For Fun and Interactive Games

Games are an excellent way to break the ice and keep guests engaged – especially if your invitees don’t yet know each other. Depending on your crowd, choose games that are easy to understand and inclusive. 

Of course, make sure you have classic options like charades or Pictionary. Or, for a more interactive experience, try a house tour scavenger hunt. If you have a creative mind, you can create a custom game, such as a “Guess the Price” game themed around your new home!

Set Up Measures To Avoid Damage To The Home

Protecting your home during the party is essential! For how much your guests can be mindful, accidents can happen, and your belongings may get damaged along the way. To avoid refretting your party afterward, start by removing valuable and fragile items from common areas. You may also cover furniture with protective sheets and protect decor as needed. 

High-traffic zones like kitchens and living rooms might need additional protection, such as covering areas where spills may happen, having clothes ready to wipe surfaces, and organizing bags and coats away to minimize clutter. 

Depending on how comfortable you are around your friends and family members, you may also politely communicate house rules in person or through invitations. 

Select Thoughtful Thank-You Gifts

Thank-you gifts are a great way to show your appreciation for your guests’ presence after the party! And, the options are truly endless. For example, custom shot glasses can be a fun and personalized option, while candles offer a warm touch, and homemade items, like fruit from your garden or crafts you’ve made, add a personal element. You may also consider creating small gift baskets with local products or your favorite recipes – or, for a luxury alternative, gourmet snacks. 

Craft The Right Atmosphere 

Your atmosphere should be welcoming, but there’s a lot of different types of ambiance you can create for your party. For example, an intimate dinner party will benefit from soft or candle lights, relaxing music, and quality decor. On the other hand, a Sunday afternoon BBQ party can be informal, and elevated with pop music, casual food options, and simple decor. Just be sure to decide on your atmosphere or party theme before the big day – after all, your guests may want to know what the preferred dress code is!

Organize a Gift Station

Even though you may have invited your guests for an informal event, they may bring gifts and, for this, you may need a gifts station. This is a simple strategy but will help you keep your presents out of harms’ way and well-displayed. 

A table near the entrance works well – especially when organized to provide a variety of cards and pens for guests to leave messages. If possible, you can also have someone available to receive and arrange gifts, but it may be more personal for you to receive your gifts yourself. 

Don’t Forget To Immortalize Memories – and Have Fun!

Memories from your housewarming party are priceless – and there are several ways to collect the best memories! Here are some ideas for inspiration:

  • Set up a makeshift photo booth with fun props. 
  • Provide Polaroid or disposable cameras for guests to use freely. 
  • Encourage guests to snap candid moments. 
  • Afterward, bring together the photos into an album or create a digital photo collection. 

In the end, a well-planned housewarming party celebrates not just the house, but the home you are about to begin your life in!

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