It can often feel as though each day is consistent, following the same or a similar pattern and structure, so when something happens that completely pulls the rug out from under you and takes away this structure – such as the unexpected lose of your job – you might not even know where to begin. There is the issue of the actions that you should take, but also the emotional turmoil that you’re going through as well.
Therefore, there are multiple considerations that you need to bear in mind and getting overwhelmed seems like an unavoidable prospect. However, as difficult as it might be, taking care of yourself at this perilous time is crucial for both your own well-being and ensuring that you can navigate these tumultuous waters.
Examine the Situation
The first thing that you’ll likely want to do is to talk to people about what happened, the nature of the termination, and to see if anything can be done about it. This is often a difficult subject to breach, as you might not be that knowledgeable about what does and doesn’t count as a wrongful termination to begin with. The rules surrounding this will vary from place to place, but sources like Citizens Advice might be a place to start if you’re unsure.
If you do decide that you want to take legal action, it’s important to examine your options and opt for help with expertise in the field regarding your specific situation. For example, Aston Knight Solicitors are excellent when it comes to a wrongful termination as a result of an injury in the workplace and any compensation associated with that injury could be yours with their help. This might be the assurance you’re looking for.
Make Use of Support Networks
Emotionally speaking though, it’s important that you have people at this time who you can talk to about it. Not everyone will be able to help in the kind of way that you want them to, but knowing that you can talk to people and rely on them for emotional support is important. Some people will offer to help, but they won’t always be able to, and while that can be frustrating, it’s important that you’re understanding about their situation and what they can offer you.
It’s also important that you take care of your own mental health, giving yourself ample opportunity to de-stress and handle any potential anxiety in a way that works for you, avoid spiraling where you can and instead focus on actionable goals.
Be Realistic
As frustrating as these times can be, and as much as you might want to right any wrongs that you feel have been committed against you, there won’t always be able to take action in this way. This is disheartening, but it’s paramount that you stay realistic about your options moving forward and avoid fixating on this one goal.
Looking for jobs that you can take in your area, even if it’s just something temporary to help you to get back on your feet and talking to other people who might have found themselves in a similar situation where you work might help you to get some idea of where to look. If you’re specifically interested in the restaurant industry, consider checking out available restaurant jobs in New York.