In the heart of Manhattan's Upper East Side, a slice of the South of France finds its home at Pâtisserie Vanessa. Magali Vanessa Silengo, the visionary entrepreneur and pastry chef, has transformed her decade-long dream into reality with the...
What is an annual report for? The importance of an annual report lies in the fact that it tells a story about how your food business or restaurant started, its performance over a certain period, and its future goals....
Italy is undoubtedly one of the best foodie destinations on earth, and a trip to Rome is sure to satisfy taste buds. The beautiful Eternal City is home to a variety of delicious local specialties as well as many...
Unhygienic food practices in restaurants and supermarkets pose significant health risks to consumers. These practices can lead to the contamination of food with harmful bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens, resulting in foodborne illnesses. Understanding these dangers and recognizing the...
Want to enjoy something delicious while getting numerous likes on your Instagram feed? Look no further than our list of the top eight Instagram worthy dessert spots in CT! Elm Street Diner Stamford The Elm Street Diner in Stamford is the place...
Playground in Korean translates to 'noreetuh,' a name that is very fitting for this East Village Hawaiian restaurant. Leave what you think you know about Hawaiian dishes elsewhere. This Michelin recognized restaurant is known for its adventurous fusion dishes...
The North Fork of Long Island is widely regarded for its rich agricultural history that has created a thriving farm-to-table dining scene. From classic seafood shacks to modern farm-to-table restaurants, the North Fork offers a diverse range of dining...
There are many superb restaurants to visit in Connecticut while celebrating July 4th weekend. Nonetheless, some stand out more than others due to key features that make them just right for the occasion. Here are our top five selections...
Nestled in the heart of Manhattan's West Village, AnnTremet Cake is a quaint bakery and dessert shop that specializes in artisanal mousse cakes, petite desserts and cookies, custom-made cakes, and sit-down afternoon tea experiences. In fact, the name AnnTremet...
Long Island Restaurant Week is taking place this week, spanning from November 7th-15th. For eight days, Sunday to Sunday, Long Island Restaurant Week partners with restaurants all across the island and features special prix fixe menus. Calissa in Water...