How to Make Money Whilst Backpacking

friends on mountain traveling together

Backpacking can be one of the best experiences ever. You can either do it by yourself and meet others along the way or as a group of friends, it really is a good way to visit countries you otherwise would not have visited and gain an understanding of the culture.

But, whilst backpacking sounds good at face value, you still need to fund your experience whether that is through saving up or trying to make some additional money whilst travelling. Thankfully, there is a lot of opportunities available to help fund your experience.

Work at a hostel

Nine times out of ten whilst your backpacking, you are going to be staying in a hostel so why not try and pick up a job whilst you are there? Whether it is general maintenance, reception, walking tours etc. the hostel will need a lot of areas covered due to backpacking being such a popular experience. Not only will you get paid, but you will also be able to chat to others from across the globe but make new friends.

Woman walking up stone steps travel with luggage
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Look at making money online

Now with the ease of access to the internet, there are plenty of opportunities available that can ultimately help with funding your travels.

You could look at starting a blog around your travels, make use of your photography skills or even look into CFD trading – just to name few. The range of ways to make money online accommodates most people so it’s best to find something you find interesting or enjoyable and give it a go!

It’s definitely recommended to try these before travelling just so you can gain a bit more knowledge and understanding so when you are using it on the road, you have all the information you need to turn it into a success.

Teach English

If you’re fluent in English, whilst travelling you can use this to your advantage and teach English to Korean students! What you will usually find is that countries prefer to employ those whose native tongue is what they would like their students to study – so if you plan on staying in one area for an extended period of time, this can be a great way to earn a little extra to help fund those excursions that are a little pricier that usual!

These are just a few of the different methods you could try to make and save some additional money whilst backpacking. By funding your backpacking experience, not only are you restricting yourself to the bare minimum, but it will allow you to have a much more enjoyable experience whilst silently improving your CV for when you eventually come home.

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